We provide exceptional, patient centered consultant pharmacist services to progressive long term care organizations to maximize resident benefit from safe and effective medication use. More...
If adverse reactions to medications were classified as a distinct disease, it would rank as the fifth leading cause of death in the United States.— JAMA
The total economic impact attributable to medication related problems is estimated to be about $177.4 billion annually in the United States.— JAMA & Archives of Internal Medicine
Consultant pharmacist services improve outcomes by 43% and save as much as $3.6 billion annually in costs associated with medication related problems.— The Fleetwood Project
Any new symptom in an elderly patient should be considered a drug side effect until proven otherwise.— J. Gurwitz et al. Brown University
21851 Center Ridge Rd. #203
Rocky River, Ohio 44116
email: info@consultantpharmacist.com
phone: +1 440 809 8414